When ordering on the website, your package must ship to your credit card billing address! The billing and shipping address MUST BE IDENTICAL TO ONE ANOTHER!
If this is not possible, please call your orders in @ 1-800-925-1599 OR 208-784-8153. Thank you and we are sorry for the inconvenience.
For our Canadian customers please call - 208-784-8153
Leather Lineman Boots: 1-2 weeks Winter pacs: 1-2 Weeks
Lineman pacs: 1-2 Weeks
Logging boots (calks): 1-2 weeks
If you'd like to receive your boots quicker, please click "RUSH BUILD" when selecting your item. All "Rush Builds" will be processed and shipped within 3 business days. Please keep in mind, this doesn't include the time needed for your product to get to its destination..
OR Download 2022-2023 Catalog PDFs:
Lineman | Logging | Hunting